Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
How drop rate is calculated

Default Drop Rate

Whether the server calculates the amount of dropped items or not depends on the difference of player and monster's level and server rates (for official servers they are 1 by default). The possibility of dropping the item is given in the table below (difference between player and monster levels) - if random number is more than corresponding value in the table 1 - you won't get any items dropped.

Level difference Experience multiplier Soul multiplier Money adjustment Probability ot getting items Damage multiplier
Players level is more than monsters400.050.0510.201
Players level is less than monsters-211111

After this server starts using other two values. First - how many times server will calculate amount of dropped items. It's constant for each monster. Second is amount of dropped items. It has 4 values - from zero items to three. Here are several monsters for example:

After that server starts using other two factors?. First - how many times server will calculate amount of dropped items. It's constant for each monster. Second is amount of dropped items. It has 4 values - from zero to three items for one cycle. Here are some monsters for example:

Monsters Belligerent Wizard Souless Cattle Wizard Royal Warrior Holy War Armor
How many times server count drop rate 10 1 2 3
Probability of 0 item(s) 71.1248% 28.5941% 77.6195% 0.0000%
Probability of 1 item(s) 21.6564% 28.5623% 14.9038% 0.0000%
Probability of 2 item(s) 5.7750% 28.5623% 7.4519% 0.0000%
Probability of 3 item(s) 1.4438% 14.2812% 0.0248% 100.0000%
Amount of items you can get 0-30 0-3 0-6 9-9
Probability to get zero items 3.31% 28.59% 60.25% 0%
Probability of 1 item 10.09% 28.56% 23.14% 0%
Probability of 2 items 16.51% 28.56% 13.79% 0%

For those who don't understand tables:

We have hero with level 50 and two monsters - level 50 and level 30.

If we kill the monster equal to our level - we will always pass the first table and the server starts calculating the amount of dropped items. The amount of cycles is 1 so it takes random number and checks the amount of dropped items. It means that there could be either no items dropped or from 1 to 3 items. Type of items - is random by rate it database. That is the reason why real drop rate is less than numbers in database.

If we kill monster that has level 30 - server takes random number and checks it with 'Probability of getting items' value from first table. In this example the possibility is about 40%. If you are lucky - than server will start calculating the amount of dropped items as written earlier. Otherwise you won't get any items at all.

Next we will kill boss from dungeon. Once again server calculates the difference between player and monster and compares random number with value from first table. If the boss has level 20 - than you will have 25% probability to get items.

Since bosses have 'How many times server count drop rate' value more than one they can drop more than three items. Maximum is 44. For example boss has this value equal to 10. Than server 10 times takes a random number, 10 times calculate amount of dropped items (from 0 to 3) and than 'drop' this total amount to player. . The type of items is random, as started above. Once again example - we have 10 numbers - 2 times 2 items, 1 time is 3 items, 4 times is 1 item and 3 times 0 items. Total: 11 items.

Bosses in HH have a little bit changed types. They have 'Probability of 3 item(s)' value equal to 100%. Because of this they always have constant amount of items that are dropped from them (6 for 1-2, 9 for armor in 1-3).

Additional drop

Additional drop rate is independent from default. Whether it drops or not depends only on 1 value that starting from this version is shown in database. Level difference, amount of dropped items from default drop don't have any influence on it. Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!