Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Start the Battle for Warsong

Need Team members

Level:0  Amount:0 - 5  Quest:Enter Warsong City (Squad)

Required items

Mirage Celestone  Amount:12

Mirage Celestone  Amount:12

Mirage Celestone  Amount:12

Mirage Celestone  Amount:12

Mirage Celestone  Amount:12

Mirage Celestone  Amount:12

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Mirage Celestone  Amount:12

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Mirage Celestone  Amount:12

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Mirage Celestone  Amount:12

Mirage Celestone  Amount:12

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Mirage Celestone  Amount:12

Mirage Celestone  Amount:12

Mirage Celestone  Amount:12

Mirage Celestone  Amount:12

Mirage Celestone  Amount:12

Mirage Celestone  Amount:12

Mirage Celestone  Amount:12

Mirage Celestone  Amount:12

Mirage Celestone  Amount:12

Mirage Celestone  Amount:12

Mirage Celestone  Amount:12

Mirage Celestone  Amount:12

Mirage Celestone  Amount:12

Mirage Celestone  Amount:12

Mirage Celestone  Amount:12

Mirage Celestone  Amount:12

Given items

Gem of Dark Lord  Amount:1

Required to do


Gold: 0

Exp: 0

SP: 0

Reputation: 0

SP: 0

New quest: Warsong City - Captain


Ginring - "Warsong City" 371 520(58)

Quest Info

Level: 80+

Recieve by Team

Can give up

Repeatable after failure



Battle for Warsong (First)(Sub:1)

Battle for Warsong(Sub:1) Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!