Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Teleport Incense
Use time 10

Price: 100 / 2.000
Stacked: 20

Teleports you to the nearest city.
Event Boutique Only

Award from quest

Supply Stash (10+) Amount: 10
N/A媒体通用礼包 (5+) Amount: 5
N/A媒体通用礼包 (35+) Amount: 10
N/A17173的礼物 (5+) Amount: 5
N/A17173的礼物 (35+) Amount: 10
N/A新浪的礼物 (5+) Amount: 5
N/A新浪的礼物 (35+) Amount: 10
N/A多玩YY-贵族特权礼包 (5+) Amount: 5
N/A多玩YY-贵族特权礼包 (35+) Amount: 5
N/A多玩YY-骑士特权礼包 (5+) Amount: 5

Show All Quests Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!