Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Dust of Devil
Type: Basic Items

Price: 100 / 500
Stacked: 20

Material Level: 90
Powerful material found in Twilight Temple.
Used in manufacturing valuable equipment at the Twilight Forges.

Used in craft for following items

☆Blade of the Red Dust (90)
Recipe: New dungeon lvl 90 m.sword 2
Amount needed: 10

☆Ravager (90)
Recipe: New dungeon lvl 90 sabre 4
Amount needed: 8

☆Haunted Axes (90)
Recipe: New dungeon lvl 90 double axe 2
Amount needed: 8

☆Chaotic Implement (90)
Recipe: New dungeon of level 90 mace
Amount needed: 8

☆Deitnia Fists (90)
Recipe: New dungeon lvl 90 Iron glove 1
Amount needed: 8

☆Wraith Conquerer (90)
Recipe: New dungeon lvl 90 m.sword 1
Amount needed: 8

☆Vicious Stare (90)
Recipe: N/A黄昏90级绿匕首02
Amount needed: 8

☆Falling Moon (90)
Recipe: N/A黄昏90级绿法宝02
Amount needed: 8 Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Drop from
# Name Level Exists Element Life %
1 Ancient Evil: Lethal Vengeance 150 Twilight Temple
400 529 (3)
No elements 4200000 22.2222 Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!