Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Name Exists Level Element Life Exp SP
Without Name - 150 No elements 1000000 1 1
Without Name Y 150 No elements 1000000 1 1
Without Name Y 150 No elements 1000000 1 1
Without Name Y 150 No elements 1000000 1 1
Without Name Y 150 No elements 1000000 1 1
年兽·甲虎威 Y 75 No elements 118584802 0 0
年兽爪牙·丁 - 100 No elements 19764 0 0
年兽爪牙·丙 Y 75 No elements 79056 0 0
年兽爪牙·乙 Y 75 No elements 59292 0 0
年兽爪牙·卯 - 100 No elements 24705 0 0
年兽爪牙·甲 Y 50 No elements 19764 0 0
年兽爪牙小头目 Y 75 No elements 37057750 0 0
新年折腾鬼 - 100 No elements 24705 0 0
新年捣蛋鬼 - 100 No elements 19764 0 0 Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!