Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
Pacote Celestial de Prata


Gold: 100.000

Exp: 35000

SP: 8000

Reputation: 0

SP: 8000

Items Group

Amount:1  Chosen randomly

Bilhete do Vigor do Tigre (1%)

Pedra Imortal - 5 (24.4%)

Cartão Gente Sortuda (0.5%)

Cartão Gente Boa (3%)

Pacote de Jóias Misteriosas - 2 (8%)

Pedra Amarela Nv.9 (0.5%)

Pedra das Nuvens Nv.9 (0.5%)

Pedra Vermelha Ardente Nv.9 (0.5%)

Pedra de Hiper EXP - 5 (1.02%)

Orbe de Reconstrução de Alma (9%)

Insígnia Celestial - 5 (34.58%)

Cartão Evento Demônio/Sábio (3%)

Emblema Espiritual - 5 (14%)

Activated by using item(s):

Pacote Celestial de Prata

Quest Info

Level: 0

Can't give up

Repeatable after failure

Repeatable Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!