Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!
200511 duplicado
Name Exists Level Element Life Exp SP
TimeableBico Demoníaco Y 87 Fire, weak Water 30787 437 90
Caranguejo Dragão Y 78 Metal, weak Fire 22873 390 81
Cobra Infernal Ancestral - 78 Water, weak Earth 24817 393 81
Dragão Sentinela Y 85 Water, weak Earth 29469 427 88
Espírito Dragão Y 86 No elements 30124 453 93
TimeableGuarda Dragão Y 85 Water, weak Earth 29469 449 92
Leão Infernal Ancestral - 80 Metal, weak Fire 26004 402 83
Lobo Infernal Ancestral - 78 Wood, weak Metal 30331 391 81
Marisco Dragão Y 78 Water, weak Earth 22873 390 81
Minotauro Ancestral - 76 No elements 23513 383 79
TimeableNinfa Dragão Y 78 Water, weak Earth 22873 390 81
Ostra Dragão Y 78 Metal, weak Fire 22873 390 81
Peixe Dragão Y 88 No elements 39580 463 96
Rato Infernal Ancestral - 76 No elements 23513 383 79
Sentinela das Chamas Y 87 Fire, weak Water 30787 437 90
Sentinela de Pedra Y 86 Earth, weak Wood 36818 430 89
Soldado Dragão Y 88 Metal, weak Fire 32384 463 96
Soldado Elemental Y 87 Metal, weak Fire 37628 435 90
TimeableSoldado Ilusório Y 88 Metal, weak Fire 39580 440 91
Tigre Infernal Ancestral - 80 Fire, weak Water 31782 401 83 Classic International private server with real big online 900+ players!